Izjava o zasebnosti: Vaša zasebnost je za nas zelo pomembna. Naše podjetje obljublja, da ne bo razkrilo vaših osebnih podatkov nobenemu izstopu z izrecnimi dovoljenji.
"Coty Invests in Direct-to-Consumer Brands" - Coty, one of the world's leading beauty companies, has announced that it will be investing in direct-to-consumer brands as part of a new strategic partnership. The move comes as the company looks to tap into the growing e-commerce market.
Samina foram also offer brush for SEPHORA brand. We know the high request of Sephora and strict requests in details of brush. Samina is from Korea and now own the brand of Art Secret.
Samina foram company has been in the beauty kits industries over 30 years. And our main products are Makeup brush and Painting brush. Our factory located in Shenzhen and Korea.
We have 4 productionline and 200 staffs with years' experience.
Fan Brushes:Blush brush, Highlight brush
Angled Makeup Brushes:Powder brush, contour brush, blush brush, cheek brush
Round Flat Makeup Brush:Eyeshadow brush & powder brush
Flat-top Makeup Brush:contouring brush, concealer brush, and buffing brush
Tapered/ Candlestick Makeup Brush:Highlight brush, Cheek Brush, Eyeshadow brush, Blush brush
welcome to visit us at www.saminabrush.com
November 29, 2024
September 30, 2024
December 13, 2023
Pošljite e-pošto temu dobavitelju
November 29, 2024
September 30, 2024
December 13, 2023
Izjava o zasebnosti: Vaša zasebnost je za nas zelo pomembna. Naše podjetje obljublja, da ne bo razkrilo vaših osebnih podatkov nobenemu izstopu z izrecnimi dovoljenji.
Izpolnite več informacij, da boste lahko hitreje stopili v stik z vami
Izjava o zasebnosti: Vaša zasebnost je za nas zelo pomembna. Naše podjetje obljublja, da ne bo razkrilo vaših osebnih podatkov nobenemu izstopu z izrecnimi dovoljenji.