Izjava o zasebnosti: Vaša zasebnost je za nas zelo pomembna. Naše podjetje obljublja, da ne bo razkrilo vaših osebnih podatkov nobenemu izstopu z izrecnimi dovoljenji.
Beard is a big symbol of men, so shaving beard is also a task that men must do, but shaving beard is also skillful. Let's take a look and let you be your own caregiver. Shaving Brush is very important. Samina Foram Shaving Brush includes Board Shaving Brush, Synthetic Shaving Brush.
Professional wet shaving
The following is a standard action for professional shaving. First grind the razor blade on the leather to make it smooth. Then, like the usual wet shaving, first clean the skin (wash and wipe the shaving products ). Now you don't want to think about the shaving shot in the film of young and confused, because if you don't want your face to be scratched today and want to step out of the door, then from now on, concentrate on it!
Hold the open razor with your thumb, ring finger and middle finger. Scratch your right cheek directly, starting directly under the beard and the left hand is responsible for tightening the skin. The razor should be placed at a 45-degree angle when it is placed on the face, slowly moving from the top to the bottom, and the foam should be flushed every time it is scraped. Start scraping your throat now - don't be nervous. Put your left hand on your neck and throat to make your skin tense and continue to scrape with your cheeks. Then use the same steps to scrape the left cheek.
Now only the beard above the lips is left, biting the lips with your teeth and tightening. The left hand tightens the skin from the cheek to the lips. Be especially careful when the razor is close to the corner of the mouth. The beard under the lips is generally unkempt, so break the convention and scrape from the bottom up. The work of shaving is finally finished, but don't forget to be happy, wipe the blade, dry it and put it in, especially pay attention to keeping the blade. Otherwise any dent on the blade will retaliate to your face the next time you use it!
Electric dry shaving
This method is fast and comfortable. But we can not put the buzzing of the electric shaver is placed directly in the case of unprepared.
To the face. First of all, you should thoroughly cleanse the face and remove the sebum and sweat from the night. Otherwise they stick to the beard, slow down the shaving speed, and increase the chances of growing the beard.
In the second step, first apply some shaving lotion or skin care products to the beard. They can make the skin smooth, and also contain antibacterial agents, which can effectively prevent infection and inflammation. The choice of an electric shaver depends entirely on the beard itself. If it is a sparse beard, then a cheap single-layer blade razor is enough. The two turrets of the two-headed razor can work at the same time. The advantage of this razor is that even the long beard can be scraped. The three-blade razor is also thoroughly scraped because there is a small blade between the two holders that is used to trim long beards. This type of razor is most suitable for men who have a particularly fast beard.
Some men use another completely different type of electric shaver - a round head razor. This razor has a rotatable blade on all three sides and is suitable for shaving long beards. But the downside is that if you don't wake up completely in the morning and still get confused, it's hard to use your razor to wipe your face clean. If you use too much force when shaving, people with sensitive skin are also very susceptible to infection and inflammation.
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Izjava o zasebnosti: Vaša zasebnost je za nas zelo pomembna. Naše podjetje obljublja, da ne bo razkrilo vaših osebnih podatkov nobenemu izstopu z izrecnimi dovoljenji.
Izpolnite več informacij, da boste lahko hitreje stopili v stik z vami
Izjava o zasebnosti: Vaša zasebnost je za nas zelo pomembna. Naše podjetje obljublja, da ne bo razkrilo vaših osebnih podatkov nobenemu izstopu z izrecnimi dovoljenji.